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Redwood Continuing Education Course Debuts on Hanley Wood University

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Redwood Continuing Education Course Debuts on Hanley Wood University

SCOTIA, CA (January 25, 2017) – Humboldt Redwood Company today announced it has launched the first of its continuing education series offered online through Hanley Wood University. The first course, “Building with Redwood Timbers,” offers information on the strong, durable nature of redwood timbers that make them an option for building projects without sacrificing quality or elegance.

“Knowing that many design professionals today are challenged to satisfy their continuing education requirements during ‘business hours,’ we wanted to find a way to make our course available any time of the day, any day of the week,” said Jessica Hewitt,  Director of Marketing, Humboldt Redwood. “The Hanley Wood online platform makes it easy to access the information sources that satisfy those certification requirements.”

The online course, which adds an AIA LU/HSW credit for design and construction professionals, explores the use of Redwood Timbers for post and beam construction, entryways, decorative elements, and outdoor living structures such as pergolas and gazebos. The course also provides comparisons between Redwood and other timber options as well as outlines Redwood’s compliance with California’s Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), thanks to its natural resistance to fire.

Professionals who complete the course will build their knowledge of redwood timbers as a building material, and be able to:

Define Redwood Timber basics, including lumber grades and applications that will help designers choose the right Redwood Timber for a project.
Describe the natural fire resistance properties of redwood.
Identify the most sustainable forest management methods and better understand the sustainability of the wood product they use.
Understand how Redwood Timbers may be eligible for credit under two leading green building programs.

About Humboldt Redwood

Since its founding in 2008, the mission of the Humboldt Redwood Company (HRC) has been to manage a large block of productive forestland utilizing high standards of environmental stewardship while at the same time operating as a successful business. Today HRC consists of more than 200,000 acres of Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)Certified coast redwood and Douglas‐fir forestland, making HRC one of the world’s largest producers of redwood decking, timbers and dimensional lumber. Through conscious stewardship and careful business practices, HRC has created a positive, economically viable example of how private forest management can protect and restore the ecological attributes of an industrial landscape. For more information, visit